Youth health and wellbeing survey - What-About-Me?

Positive illustration

Children and young people are involved and empowered

Lead agency:
Ministry of Social Development
Action timeframe:
From 2019

Whataboutme? has been developed to collect health and wellbeing data on up to 14,000 young people in New Zealand in secondary schools, alternative education units, kura kaupapa, and Youth One Stop Shops to inform policies, programmes, and services. The survey is to be conducted every three years, and data collected will be used to measure progress on 15 indicators under the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy.

The survey questions have been finalised and made publicly available on the survey website. Ethics approval has been granted to deliver the survey to 14-18-year olds.

Data collection for the survey was due to start in May 2020, but was paused due to COVID-19. A pilot survey was conducted in early 2021, with main data collection due to take place between between March to September 2021, and aggregated data publicly available by December 2021.

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