Child and youth voice research findings

Life in lockdown

AUTHOR: Office of the Children's Commissioner

This 2020 report  shares reflections of 1,400 children and young people’s on the Covid-19 lockdown, and outlines how insights might be used to inform policy and service development

The report highlights that children and young people had diverse experiences during lockdown. Key insights include:

  • Lockdown had a range of different impacts on the children and young people we heard from – both positives and negatives. (42% said life was same, 29% said life was better, 23% said life was worse)
  • Relationships are critical – the impacts of lockdown on relationships with friends and family, both positive and negative, were significant. (46% said relationships improved, 31% said they'd stayed the same) 
  • Children and young people enjoyed having control over their time, having more free time, and having opportunities for new activities.
  • The changing nature of education during lockdown was unsettling for some and seen as an opportunity for independence by others. Many enjoyed the flexibility and ability to control when they did their schoolwork.
  • Improvements in wellbeing varied across the children and young people we heard from.  When compared to the responses to the same questions about wellbeing asked in 2018, the percentage of children and young people who agreed or strongly agreed with most of the statements in 2020 was greater than the 2018 responses. 

Read the full report

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