This page allows you to search the Programme of Action items by outcome, lead agency or current status (ongoing - still underway; embedded - delivery has now been embedded into agency's operational activity or work programme; completed - fully implemented or rolled out). There is also a full list of action items available.

Displaying 42 results.

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The Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment Act was passed in December 2019.

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Joint Ministers agreed in September 2019 to priority areas of focus for cross-agency work on debt to government departments over the shorter term.

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The Commerce Act 1986 has been amended to allow the Commerce Commission to carry out competition studies.

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An expert advisory panel commissioned by the Government has made a number of recommendations to strengthen the consumer voice, reduce energy hardship, improve retail and wholesale competition, impr

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This initiative, which received funding through the Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund, aims to enhance the ability of people with disabilities to attain and retain sustainable employment.

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Mahi Aroha (the Carers Strategy Action Plan 2019-2023) includes young carers (those aged under 25 who provide ongoing care for someone close to them that needs assistance with eve