This page allows you to search the Programme of Action items by outcome, lead agency or current status (ongoing - still underway; embedded - delivery has now been embedded into agency's operational activity or work programme; completed - fully implemented or rolled out). There is also a full list of action items available.

Displaying 173 results.

Loved, safe and nurtured

Funding to enable direct purchase of services for children and young people who are experiencing family violence and are being identified through multi-agency community response sites (e.g.

Loved, safe and nurtured

(This action was created from merging the Increased services for children and young people with concerning/harmful sexual behaviours and Sexual violence crisis support services for children and

Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2019 provided funding to develop whānau-centred kaupapa Māori specialist sexual violence services.

Loved, safe and nurtured

A set of initiatives is being progressed to reduce the risk of sexual violence victims experiencing further trauma when participating in the court process.

Loved, safe and nurtured

This initiative, funded through Budget 2019, aims to reduce the severity and duration of trauma-related symptoms experienced by victims/survivors of sexual violence.

Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2019 provided funding to reduce the severity and duration of trauma-related symptoms experienced by male victims/survivors of sexual violence.

Loved, safe and nurtured

Violence Intervention Programme training for health practitioners in district health boards to routinely deliver effective screening and referrals is continuing.

Loved, safe and nurtured

The Children's Act 2014 requires children's agencies to develop an Oranga Tamariki Action Plan, which sets out how the chief executives  will work collectively to improve the wellbeing of

Loved, safe and nurtured

The National Care Standards are intended to significantly improve the quality of care and support for children and young people in State care, and their families, whānau and caregivers.

Loved, safe and nurtured

Oranga Tamariki is responsible for delivering better outcomes and reducing disparities for Māori across its services.

Loved, safe and nurtured

The Government has committed to progressively increase the minimum wage to $20 by April 2021.  The minimum wage increased from:

Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2019 provided funding for the Ministry of Social Development to increase case management at the frontline, enabling staff to work more intensively to help more people into meaningful and sus