This page allows you to search the Programme of Action items by outcome, lead agency or current status (ongoing - still underway; embedded - delivery has now been embedded into agency's operational activity or work programme; completed - fully implemented or rolled out). There is also a full list of action items available.

Displaying 173 results.

Have what they need

More funding for Housing Support Products was made available through Budget 2019, including increasing the number of existing grants that can be issued and adding a rent arrears assistance payment.

Have what they need

A free and healthy school lunch programme was implemented from Term 1 2020, with a small number of schools.

Have what they need

Decile 1-7 state and state-integrated schools (attended by about 63 percent of all students, including 83 percent of Māori and Pacific students), are now eligible to receive $150 per student per ye

Have what they need

Budget 2019 provided funding to cover the cost of NCEA assessment fees for all students.

Have what they need

Funding in Budget 2018 reduced barriers to health care by extending:

Have what they need

Funding was provided to social sector services and community groups to ensure they could continue to provide essential support to communities during the COVID-19 response.

Have what they need

A support package was approved to bolster the delivery of food and welfare assistance by local authorities and Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Groups to those who need it as part of the i

Have what they need

A hardship fund was established to support domestic tertiary students.  This fund provides temporary financial assistance for currently enrolled full-time and part-time students who are facing

Have what they need

This initiative provides support to key groups experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, hardship by strengthening Building Financial Capability (BFC) services.

Have what they need

Budget 2019 provided funding for training to Whānau Ora navigators to expand their financial capability skills, understanding and networks, so they can provide improved support to whānau wanting to

Have what they need

Through Budget 2019 Government committed two more years of funding to support the provision of raincoats, shoes and hygiene and sanitary products, and food to children in need.

Have what they need

The Credit Contracts Legislation Amendment Act was passed in December 2019.