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Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2019 funding has extended the You Matter to Us pilot in Linwood to more communities in Christchurch.

Loved, safe and nurtured

The Panel was instructed to look at a wide range of factors, including the effectiveness of out-of-court and in-court processes, the timeliness of cases and the extent to which decisions are consis

Loved, safe and nurtured

(previously titled High Impact Innovation Programme Initiatives in Corrections)

Loved, safe and nurtured

The national strategy and action plan will galvanise efforts to eliminate family violence and sexual violence.

Loved, safe and nurtured

In Budget 2019 Government increased investment in broader family violence prevention activities, with additional funding allocated through the COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. 

Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2019 provided funding for work to understand the needs of diverse communities in order to develop future violence prevention programmes.

Loved, safe and nurtured

There are several joint initiatives to prevent online child sexual exploitation and abuse, working with the wider sector. These include:

Loved, safe and nurtured

The Tackling Unsafe Speeds programme is a key action under the initial Road to Zero action plan.  It includes an initiative to reduce speed limits to a maximum of 40 km/h around urban schools

Loved, safe and nurtured

A public awareness campaign has been launched to help keep children and young people safe while online.

Loved, safe and nurtured

This initiative supports continued development and testing of current programmes for victims, families and whānau affected by family violence and safe and consistent responses where and when famili

Loved, safe and nurtured

This initiative, funded through Budget 2019, aims to provide victims, families and whānau affected by family violence with safe and consistent responses, where and when they need them.

Loved, safe and nurtured

Budget 2020 increased funding to expand the Whānau Protect initiative, which makes practical security improvements to the homes of children and whānau who are at high-risk of serious assault or dea