Child and youth voice research findings

Missing Out: Why Aren’t Our Children Going to School?

AUTHOR: Education Review Office

This report looks at parents’ and learners’ attitudes, choices, and experiences and describes what we found and what is needed to improve attendance. Key findings include:

  • Attendance and non-attendance are influenced by: Learner factors; Family factors; School factors and Community and economic factors
  • Concerningly, some parents and learners told us that they do not see school as that important
  • Many parents and learners, while valuing schooling and attendance, still prioritise other activities over attendance. There are also barriers to attendance
  • Learners are motivated to attend school by a range of reasons, including expectations and opportunities to learn, socialise, and do interesting things.
  • Attendance of Māori learners has declined at a faster rate than other learners although most Māori learners and their parents have positive attitudes to school and attendance. 
  • Pacific attendance rates are lower and declining faster than other learners but most Pacific learners and their parents have positive attitudes to school and attendance
  • There are different drivers of attendance across different learner ages, school decile, rurality, and whether the learner has a disability.

The report also identified areas to help improve attendance.

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