Action Plan for Pacific Aotearoa Lalanga Fou

Spiral illustration

Children and young people are accepted, respected and connected

Lead agency:
Ministry for Pacific Peoples
Action timeframe:
From January 2019

In 2017 and 2018, Government engaged with thousands of Pacific people to develop the Pacific Aotearoa Lalanga Fou report, which refreshes the Ministry for Pacific People's Pacific vision set in 1999. 'Confident, thriving and resilient Pacific young people' is one of the four goals of Pacific Aotearoa.

Development of an All-of-Government Pacific Wellbeing strategy (AoGPW strategy) has been agreed, which will steer three key initiatives across government:

  • coordinate and support the Lalanga Fou Deputy Chief Executive Governance Group to influence better alignment and collaboration
  • lead co-design of a Pacific Wellbeing Outcomes Framework
  • deliver enhanced Kapasa and Yavu Pacific cultural capability programmes across government.

The Lalanga Fou Deputy Chief Executive Governance Group has been established to provide strategic oversight on the AoGPW strategy.  There will be a report back to Pacific communities in mid-2021.

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