Child and youth voice research findings

The Aotearoa Youth Declaration 2019

AUTHOR: UN Youth New Zealand

The report captures feedback from an annual four-day conference, involving around 350 young people, volunteers and participants (aged 12-18).

It includes a future-focused youth vision for Aotearoa, which involves ten core concerns and hopes of rangatahi:

  • Better and more accessible mental health services for rangatahi and whanau.
  • Holistic detailed sex education be compulsory throughout New Zealand.
  • Fundamental shifts in the curriculum that focus on teaching life skills, balance the busy and complicated lives of 21st century rangatahi.
  • Ambitious, widespread action and commitments from government and the agricultural industry to reducing greenhouse gases
  • More youth focused services, community hubs and events that support happiness and wellbeing.
  • To feel comfortable in themselves, feel valued for who they are, and not feel pressured into looking or being a certain way.
  • Greater positive representation of minority groups in the media, government and business leadership.
  • Voting age lowered to 16 so they may fully participate in our democracy and contribute to the direction of their local communities. (Report also includes section around Civics Education being compulsory from year 9 onwards
  • A seat the table, to be respected and given autonomy to create and innovate. Importantly, they need to appropriately compensated for the work they do and recognised for their contributions.
  • Greater and more accessible health services for children, youth and whanau.

The report  is designed for public and decision-makers to use, to inform them of the issues and challenges that are of concern and significance to young people, and most importantly the solutions they want to see. It includes three youth solutions for around 22 policy areas, as well as a section on wellbeing and what they'd like changed in NZ to support wellbeing.

Read the full report

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