Child and youth voice research findings

Te Mātātaki 2021: Findings from survey of Tamariki and rangatahi in care

AUTHOR: Oranga Tamariki

This research report outlines insights from 1,500 care-experienced tamariki and rangatahi who took part in the survey between March 2019 and September 2020.

The report findings include:

  • The majority of tamariki and rangatahi (90%) indicated they felt settled
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi (97%) indicated the adults they live with look after them well
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi (95%) felt the adults they live with accept them for who they are
  • The majority of tamariki and rangatahi (71%) indicated they get to keep in touch with their birth family/whānau as much as they would like to 
  • A majority of tamariki and rangatahi (78%) indicated that they get to have a say in important decisions about their life.
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi (88%) indicated that they have somewhere they feel they belong
  • Just over one-half of tamariki and rangatahi (53%) indicated they knew their ancestry (whakapapa),
  • Almost all tamariki and rangatahi (97%) indicated they had people in their life who love them no matter what,
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi (86%) indicated they had friends they could talk to about anything;
  • A majority of tamariki and rangatahi (75%) indicated they had opportunities to learn about their culture
  • A majority of tamariki and rangatahi (72%) indicated they expect to have a good life when they get older
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi (84%) indicated that Oranga Tamariki helps make things better for them
  • Most tamariki and rangatahi gave positive responses to the questions about their relationship with their social worker
Last updated